
For an example of Framewise in use, along with spatial filtering, see this example.

Framewise(alg; limit=Inf, delta_rot=nothing)
Framewise(algs::AbstractVector; limit=Inf, delta_rot=nothing)

Wrap an algorithm such that the underlying data will be processed frame by frame. For each frame a reference library is created from the data. This reference can be filtered by rejecting frames which have not rotated a sufficient parallactic angle. delta_rot sets the required arc length for rotation in units of the FWHM. If delta_rot is nothing there will be now temporal filtering. The number of frames retained can be specified with limit, e.g. the 4 closest frames in time with the target frame.

The following keyword arguments must be provided to reconstruct or subtract

  • angles - the measured parallactic angles for each frame

If delta_rot is provided, the following additional keyword arguments must be provided to reconstruct or subtract.

  • fwhm - the FWHM of the instrument in pixels. Will be set to the width of a MultiAnnulusView
  • r - The radius of the arc to calculate the parallactic angle threshold. Will be set automatically if using AnnulusView or MultiAnnulusView.

In addition, Framewise versions of algorithms do not implement and do not currently support RDI.

Annular reduction

In the case of reducing a MultiAnnulusView, a vector of algorithms can be used, each one corresponding to each annulus of the view. In this case, too, delta_rot can be given as a vector or as a tuple. If it is given as a tuple, delta_rot will increase linearly from the first value to the last value across each annulus.


julia> cube, angles = # load data

julia> alg = PCA(10) # the algorithm to use on each reference

julia> res = Framewise(alg)(cube, angles);

julia> mav = MultiAnnulusView(cube, 5; inner=5);

julia> res_ann = Framewise(alg, delta_rot=(0.1, 1))(mav, angles);


            inner=0, outer=first(size(parent))/2 + 0.5,

Cut out an annulus with inner radius inner and outer radius outer. Values that fall outside of this region will be replaced with fill. This does not copy any data, it is merely a view into the data.


Return the pixels that fall within the annulus as a matrix. This matrix is equivalent to unrolling each frame and then spatially filtering the pixels outside the annulus. If asview is true, the returned values will be a view of the parent array instead of a copy.


julia> ann = AnnulusView(ones(101, 101, 10); inner=5, outer=20);

julia> X = ann();

julia> size(X)
(1188, 10)
MultiAnnulusView(cube::AbstractArray{T,3} width, radii; fill=0)

Create multiple annuli at each radius in radii with width width. Values that fall outside of these regions will be replaced with fill. This does not copy any data, it is merely a view into the data.

MultiAnnulusView(cube::AbstractArray{T,3}, width;
                 inner=0, outer=first(size(parent))/2 + 0.5,

Create multiple annuli between inner and outer with width spacing. Values that fall outside of these regions will be replaced with fill. This does not copy any data, it is merely a view into the data.

(::MultiAnnulusView)(idx, asview=false)

Return the idxth annulus as a matrix. This is equivalent to unrolling the frame and filtering out pixels outside of the idxth annulus. If asview is true, the returned values will be a view of the parent array instead of a copy.


julia> ann = MultiAnnulusView(ones(101, 101, 10), 5; inner=5, outer=30);

julia> X = ann(1);

julia> size(X)
(248, 10)

julia> X2 = ann(2);

julia> size(X2)
(404, 10)

See also


eachannulus(::MultiAnnulusView, asview=false)

Create a generator for each annulus in the view. If asview is true, the annuli will be returned as a view into the parent array instead of a copy.


julia> ann = MultiAnnulusView(ones(101, 101, 10), 5; inner=5, outer=30);

julia> [size(X) for X in eachannulus(ann)]
5-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
 (248, 10)
 (404, 10)
 (560, 10)
 (716, 10)
 (880, 10)
inverse(::AnnulusView, mat::AbstractMatrix)

Generate a cube similar to the view with the pixels from mat. mat should have the same size as the matrix output from AnnulusView


julia> ann = AnnulusView(ones(101, 101, 10); inner=5, outer=20);

julia> X = ann();

julia> out = inverse(ann, -X);

julia> out ≈ -ann
inverse(::MultiAnnulusView, idx, mat)
inverse(::MultiAnnulusView, mats...)

Generate a cube similar to the view using the given pixel matrices. The pixels from mat will be put into the location of the idxth annulus. mat should have the same size as the output matrices generated by MultiAnnulusView. If multiple matrices are supplied, it is assumed each one corresponds to each annulus in the view.


Expand a single annulus-

julia> ann = MultiAnnulusView(ones(101, 101, 10), 5; inner=5, outer=30);

julia> X = ann(1);

julia> out = inverse(ann, 1, -X);

julia> sum(out) == -sum(X)

expand many annuli-

julia> Xs = [-X for X in eachannulus(ann)];

julia> out = inverse(ann, Xs);

julia> out ≈ -ann
inverse!(::AnnulusView, out, mat)

In-place version of inverse that fills out in-place.

inverse!(::MultiAnnulusView, out, idx, mat)
inverse!(::MultiAnnulusView, out, mats...)

In-place version of inverse that fills out with annuli defined by the geometry of the view.