The large scale image-processing required for ADI algorithms can lead to concerns about runtime efficiency. To this end, ADI.jl (and the associated JuliaHCI packages) are developed with performance in mind. These packages do not aim to be as fast as possible; rather they focus on being as fast as is convenient (for the users and the devs).
The Vortex Imaging Pipeline (VIP) is the inspiration for ADI.jl. It is one of the major Python HCI packages and it offers many more features than ADI.jl. Some of the common uses for both packages include full-frame ADI processing, S/N maps, and contrast curves.
System/Setup Information
The benchmarks here can be found in the bench/
folder organized into Julia files. The benchmarks utilize BenchmarkTools.jl, PyCall.jl with virtualenv
, and CSV.jl for accuracy, reproducibility, and organization.
Julia Version 1.6.0-beta1
Commit b84990e1ac* (2021-01-08 12:42 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8259U CPU @ 2.30GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.0 (ORCJIT, skylake)
For the python code, there is a requirements.txt
file in bench/
. To reproduce this environment, (optionally) activate a virtual environment then install from the requirements file.
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
For reproducibility, there is a Manifest.toml
file in bench/
. To reproduce this environment, first activate it, then instantiate it
$ julia --project=bench -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
The interface between Julia and python is handled by PyCall.jl. When using a virtual environment, PyCall may not use the correct python library. Before running the benchmarks, please read this reference.
Some of the image-processing methods in ADI.jl and HCIToolbox.jl are multi-threaded, and will lead to a noticable difference in some benchmarks. To take advantage of this, set the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS
before starting your runtime. Multi-Threading documentation.
ADI Reduction
These benchmarks show the duration to fully reduce ADI data for various algorithms. The data used are $\beta$ Pictoris and HR8799 from HCIDatasets.jl.
adi_data = CSV.File(benchdir("adi_benchmarks.csv")) |> DataFrame |> sort!
cube_labels = @. ifelse(adi_data.N == 622261, "Beta Pictoris", "HR8799")
insertcols!(adi_data, 4, :cube => cube_labels)
adi_groups = groupby(adi_data, :framework)
GroupedDataFrame with 2 groups based on key: framework
First Group (5 rows): framework = InlineStrings.String7("ADI.jl")
framework | alg | N | cube | time | |
String7 | String7 | Int64 | String | Float64 | |
1 | ADI.jl | median | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 0.0353724 |
2 | ADI.jl | median | 18574074 | HR8799 | 1.16283 |
3 | ADI.jl | nmf_20 | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 1.06399 |
4 | ADI.jl | pca_20 | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 0.0535118 |
5 | ADI.jl | pca_20 | 18574074 | HR8799 | 2.38231 |
Last Group (5 rows): framework = InlineStrings.String7("VIP")
framework | alg | N | cube | time | |
String7 | String7 | Int64 | String | Float64 | |
1 | VIP | median | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 0.044207 |
2 | VIP | median | 18574074 | HR8799 | 1.00312 |
3 | VIP | nmf_20 | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 0.79571 |
4 | VIP | pca_20 | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 0.0603534 |
5 | VIP | pca_20 | 18574074 | HR8799 | 2.42638 |
cube_groups = groupby(adi_data, :cube)
@df(cube_groups[1], groupedbar(:alg, :time, group=:framework, yscale=:log10)),
@df(cube_groups[2], groupedbar(:alg, :time, group=:framework)),
size=(700, 350),
ylabel="time (s)",
title=["Beta Pictoris" "HR8799"]
Please note the log-scale for the left figure.
Detection Maps
This benchmark measures the duration to produce a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) map. Rather than test exact cubes, these benchmarks test randomly generated frames of various sizes. The FWHM is fixed at 5.
snrmap_data = CSV.File(benchdir("snrmap_benchmarks.csv")) |> DataFrame |> sort!
snrmap_groups = groupby(snrmap_data, :framework)
GroupedDataFrame with 2 groups based on key: framework
First Group (5 rows): framework = InlineStrings.String7("ADI.jl")
framework | N | time | |
String7 | Int64 | Float64 | |
1 | ADI.jl | 2601 | 0.0131519 |
2 | ADI.jl | 10201 | 0.135207 |
3 | ADI.jl | 40401 | 1.24764 |
4 | ADI.jl | 90601 | 4.30251 |
5 | ADI.jl | 160801 | 10.2164 |
Last Group (3 rows): framework = InlineStrings.String7("VIP")
framework | N | time | |
String7 | Int64 | Float64 | |
1 | VIP | 2601 | 0.950529 |
2 | VIP | 10201 | 6.9494 |
3 | VIP | 40401 | 47.5746 |
@df snrmap_data scatter(
xlabel="number of pixels",
ylabel="time (s)"
Contrast Curves
Finally, this benchmark measures the duration to generate a contrast curve for analyzing the algorithmic throughput of an ADI algorithm. For both benchmarks 3 azimuthal branches are used for throughput injections and a FWHM of 8. A Gaussian PSF function is evaluated in a (21, 21)
grid for the injections. The data used are $\beta$ Pictoris and HR8799 from HCIDatasets.jl.
contrast_data = CSV.File(benchdir("contrast_benchmarks.csv")) |> DataFrame |> sort!
cube_labels = @. ifelse(contrast_data.N == 622261, "Beta Pictoris", "HR8799")
insertcols!(contrast_data, 4, :cube => cube_labels)
contrast_groups = groupby(contrast_data, :framework)
GroupedDataFrame with 2 groups based on key: framework
First Group (2 rows): framework = InlineStrings.String7("ADI.jl")
framework | alg | N | cube | time | |
String7 | String7 | Int64 | String | Float64 | |
1 | ADI.jl | pca_20 | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 0.706419 |
2 | ADI.jl | pca_20 | 18574074 | HR8799 | 39.0223 |
Last Group (2 rows): framework = InlineStrings.String7("VIP")
framework | alg | N | cube | time | |
String7 | String7 | Int64 | String | Float64 | |
1 | VIP | pca_20 | 622261 | Beta Pictoris | 1.55966 |
2 | VIP | pca_20 | 18574074 | HR8799 | 93.6585 |
@df contrast_data groupedbar(
ylabel="time (s)",
Please note the log-scale.